This factory, having a specialized technical team, using the best raw materials and the most advanced production devices, produces Humic Acid in liquid, powder and granule formulations and with the approval of the Water and Soil Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and international accredited laboratories, that has caused the satisfaction of dear consumers. For this reason, the Humic Acid products of this factory have a special place.
We are one of the largest manufacturers in the country
Fertilizer products using the modern devices and new technologies
Guaranteeing high quality and durability
Non-use of other miscellaneous materials and low-quality Leonardite, as well as production of Humic Acid under completely specialized supervision
Rapid growth and increase in product quality
Caspian fertilizer is a natural, organic and chemical-free product.
Therefore, the organic enriched pellet manure has organic materials and macro and micro elements, which include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper, etc.

Professional rights and ethics are the credit of our work
Promoting domestic markets and attracting foreign markets in order to provide quality products is one of the most important tasks of this manufacturing complex.

High Durability of Products
Unlike chemical fertilizers, this fertilizer has no harmful effects on the soil, plant roots, and the environment, and its elements are not washed away by successive irrigation or rain; Rather, it is gradually released and activated and becomes usable for the plant.

Rapid growth and increased quality
It provides the means for continuous growth and strengthening of the plant, and while improving and revitalizing the soil texture, it also maintains its positive effects in subsequent crops; Also, by increasing bacterial activities in the soil and increasing the activity of microorganisms, it causes fertility and increases the quality and performance of the product.

The Latest Technology
Nowadays, in order to solve the disadvantages of animal manure and chicken manure, these fertilizers are processed using new technologies to make acceptable changes in terms of appearance, removal of pollution and also adding positive features, including the possibility of enriching these fertilizers.

Free from any diseases and weeds
These inputs are produced with the help of Caspian's specialized team in the form of the best natural coagulants and are free of any pathogens, unpleasant smells, weeds, insect eggs and larvae, and other common contaminations in raw materials and are completely hygienic.
Caspian Kood Golestan Company
Expanding the use of organic fertilizers and plant nutrition in order to maintain the survival of ecology
Improve soil quality
Humic Acid improves soil structure, increases soil flexibility and ventilation, improves water secretion and absorption of nutrients by plants. Also, this fertilizer reduces sediment in the soil, reduces soil water absorption and reduces soil salinity.
Increasing productivity & Product Quality
The use of Humic Acid will increase the productivity of plants, increase the number and size of fruits and reduce the rate of wastage of products. Also, this fertilizer improves the quality of products, increases the resistance of plants against diseases and pests, and improves the nutritional characteristics of products.
Reducing the Cost of Cultivation
The use of Humic Acid has an effective role in reducing cultivation costs, the need for irrigation and the need for chemical fertilizers. Also, it increases the time period of using chemical fertilizers.

Caspian Kood Golestan, To the Green land
Professional rights and ethics are the credit of our work

Human Power

Years of Work Experience

Tonnage, The Amount of Sales to Date


Liquid and powder Humic Acid fertilizer
Organic fertilizer contains Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid and potassium soluble in water with the ability to be used in all types of flooded and pressurized irrigation systems. The stable organic compounds in this fertilizer improve physical and chemical properties and increase the population and activity of soil microorganisms. Among the characteristics of Humic Acid, a significant increase in root volume, ease of use in all types of irrigation systems, improvement of soil texture and increase in water retention in the soil, increase in beneficial soil microbial population, increase in resistance to cold, heat and soil salinity and increase absorption of nutrients by the roots, increasing the cationic exchange capacity of the soil, is pointed.

Liquid Chicken Manure
This manure contains organic materials, Humic Acid, nitrogen from organic activity, phosphorus, potassium and micro elements, which is used for a wide range of agricultural products. This manure contains stimulants of plant enzymes, and its use causes an increase in beneficial soil microorganisms, as well as plant resistance to environmental stresses, and increases rooting and saves water consumption. Compared to other animal manure, chicken manure has a higher percentage of absorbable elements such as: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which has an effective role in the vegetative growth and reproduction of plants.

Chicken Pellet Manure
Enriched organic pellet manure contains organic materials and macro and micro elements, which include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper, etc. This manure increases organic matter, soil fertility, increases water holding capacity, and reduces the frequency of irrigation and leaching of elements. It is free from any contamination of pathogenic agents, free from weeds, larvae and eggs of insects and other common contaminations in raw manure, and it is completely hygienic and has no unpleasant smell. Disinfected organic manure has 46% of dry matter, in the form of pellets and can be used for all kinds of plants. This manure can be used for garden, agricultural, greenhouse, vegetable and summer products, grass and green spaces, flowers and ornamental plants.
Common Questions
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We will answer your questions
2- Too hot or too dry weather; The heat causes the plant to die and the plant does not get moisture, the moisture evaporates from the leaves of the plant and causes the leaves to burn.
3- Too much light; Placing an apartment plant in a sunny place will cause its leaves to burn.
4- Too much fertilizer; Too much fertilizer can cause serious damage to roots and plants. Use less fertilizer in the hot summer months.
5- Unsuitable soil; A soil that does not have good drainage causes water to remain in the vase and the problem described in option 1 occurs.